Wedding Budget Mistakes to Avoid

Wedding Budget Mistakes to Avoid In our last issue, issue 29, we showed you a breakdown of the average percentage a couple may spend on the different elements of their wedding day. It is a great guide when figuring out the budget for your wedding. The breakdown is not intended to be used literally but…

Wedding Theme: Do You Need One?

Wedding Theme: Do You Need One? These days, almost anything can be used as a theme for a wedding day—books, movies, TV shows, a design style, etc. But is it necessary to have a specific theme set for your big day? Here we will discuss some pros and cons of having a themed wedding, and…

Ways to Relieve Wedding Stress

Ways to Relieve Wedding Stress Planning a wedding can be full of stress and anxiety. The overwhelming feeling of everything that needs to get done and then making sure it all goes over smoothly can take a toll on you days and weeks before your big day. We want things to be perfect but need…

Local Love: Mandy + Will

From the Couple: Mandy: “I saw him on Zoom and he made my heart go boom!” Will first caught my eye on a Zoom meeting for one of our Master of Arts in Teaching courses. We had mutual friends and got invited to the same graduation party in June 2020. Will: I saw her grilling…

Local Love: Krista + Nate

From Krista: Nate and I first met years ago when I was the front desk attendant at the Quincy YMCA, and he would come in with work friends to play basketball. We exchanged a few words here and there, but it was always short and cordial. Our love story didn’t start until about six years…

Local Love: Karrigan + Ben

From Karrigan: When I saw Ben playing so lovingly with the kids in Jamaica, I just had a feeling I was going to marry him one day. In 2018, we went to Jamaica for a mission trip. Ben and I knew each other through church but mainly through my younger brother because they were best…