2024 Summer Wedding Show

Date: August 11th, 2024
Location: The Armory, Quincy, IL
Time: 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Join us for an exclusive boutique-style wedding show at The Armory in Quincy, IL, on August 11th, 2024. This unique event will feature an array of local vendors, showcasing the latest trends in wedding planning, fashion, and decor. Whether you're just starting your wedding planning journey or finalizing the last details, this event is designed to inspire and assist every step of the way.

Tickets are free, but registration is required.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Stay Tuned for a look at our 2024 Wedding Expo.
2024 Expo Premier Sponsors
2024 Expo Sponsors
Are you a wedding vendor looking to participate in our expo...
What can you expect?


Meet area vendors

Connect with the area’s best wedding professionals, from caterers and florists to photographers and planners. Discuss your vision, ask questions, and find the perfect team to bring your dream wedding to life.


Score exclusive deals

Take advantage of expo-only promotions offered by our participating vendors. This is an excellent opportunity to secure the best packages for your wedding while supporting local businesses.


Win fabulous giveaways

Enter to win incredible giveaways, including gift certificates, wedding services, or even a honeymoon package. With many prizes up for grabs, you won’t want to miss it.

A look at our last expo...

2023 sponsors

over 35 vendors & 950 attendees!

Are you a vendor?

Are you a business owner? Do you have amazing services to offer area couples? Contact us today to be a vendor at next year’s expo!