Listings in Videography
- Videography
- Beauty & Health
- Bridal Showers
- Cakes & Desserts
- Catering
- Ceremony Venues
- Dance Instruction
- Entertainment
- Fashion
- Favors & Gifts
- Florists
- Home & Finance
- Honeymoon & Travel
- Jewelry
- Lodging
- Mobile Bar & Bartending Services
- Photo Booths
- Photography
- Planning & Coordination
- Reception Venues
- Rehearsal Dinners
- Rental & Decor
- Stationery
- Transportation
- Wedding Day Pet Care

Kick It To Kay
Short Description
Wedding Content Creator: Kick It To Kay specializes in storytelling through an iPhone lens, providing documentation of the big, small, and in-between moments of your wedding day. With an exquisite eye for detail and an unwavering passion for celebrating all love stories, my mission is to capture each unique love story timelessly and innovatively.
I provide iPhone content within just 24 hours of your big day so that you can relive, replay, and rewatch for years to come! I can not wait to connect with couples around the Midwest, and I cannot wait to capture your forever!
I provide iPhone content within just 24 hours of your big day so that you can relive, replay, and rewatch for years to come! I can not wait to connect with couples around the Midwest, and I cannot wait to capture your forever!