Listings in Rehearsal Dinners
- Rehearsal Dinners
- Beauty & Health
- Bridal Showers
- Cakes & Desserts
- Catering
- Ceremony Venues
- Dance Instruction
- Entertainment
- Fashion
- Favors & Gifts
- Florists
- Home & Finance
- Honeymoon & Travel
- Jewelry
- Lodging
- Mobile Bar & Bartending Services
- Photo Booths
- Photography
- Planning & Coordination
- Reception Venues
- Rental & Decor
- Stationery
- Transportation
- Videography
- Wedding Day Pet Care

MuddyDog Room
Short Description
The MuddyDog Room at Boodalu is our second story private event space. Perfect for hosting your rehearsal dinner, wedding shower and even your micro wedding. With its historic charm, river front views, and experienced staff we are sure to host a memorable night for you and your loved ones. We aim to exceed your expectations and look forward to hosting your event!