- Ceremony Venues
- Beauty & Health
- Bridal Showers
- Cakes & Desserts
- Catering
- Dance Instruction
- Entertainment
- Fashion
- Favors & Gifts
- Florists
- Home & Finance
- Honeymoon & Travel
- Jewelry
- Lodging
- Mobile Bar & Bartending Services
- Photo Booths
- Photography
- Planning & Coordination
- Reception Venues
- Rehearsal Dinners
- Rental & Decor
- Stationery
- Transportation
- Videography
- Wedding Day Pet Care
Adams County Fair Grounds

Dick Brothers Events
Short Description
At Dick Brothers Events, we aim to provide an elegant, understated background to showcase your wedding or event. Subtle historical touches meld seamlessly with a modern, industrial aesthetic that will enhance any event. We’ve got you covered when it comes to tables and chairs, a full bar… and even decor should you want it, or a bartender should you need one. The rest is up to you. Think of it as a “choose your own adventure” kind of vibe. We will be as involved as you want us to be, but we want you to create your dream event in our space. We are also known for hosting an event or two ourselves, like Oktoberfest and Christkindl markets, to name a couple.